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Women in Probability

Probability Meetings and Events

Events hosted by Women in Probability

26 - 28 Sep 2024: Conference on New Developments in Probability (CRM, Montréal Canada)
11 Oct 2024: lunch at Midwest Probability Colloquium (Northwestern)

13 Mar 2024: dinner at Seminar on Stochastic Processes (Rice University)
16 Nov 2023: lunch at Northeast Probability Seminar (NYU)
13 Oct 2023: lunch at Midwest Probability Colloquium (Northwestern)
10 Jul 2023: event at Frontiers in Stochastic Analysis (U Illinois, Chicago)
08 Mar 2023: event at Seminar on Stochastic Processes (U Arizona)
16 Nov 2022: dinner at Northeast Probability Seminar (Columbia)
21 Oct 2022: brunch at 43rd Midwest Probability Colloquium (Northwestern)
16 Mar 2022: dinner at Seminar on Stochastic Processes
12-14 May 2021: Conference on New Developments in Probability (online)
    (jointly hosted with Tulane University)
04 Mar 2020: dinner at 2020 Seminar on Stochastic Processes (Michigan State U)
22 Nov 2019: lunch at Northeast Probability Seminar (CUNY Graduate Center)
11 Oct 2019: lunch at Midwest Probability Colloquium (Northwestern)
13 Mar 2019: dinner at 2019 Seminar on Stochastic Processes (U of Utah)
16 Nov 2018: lunch at 2018 Northeast Probability Seminar (Courant)
01 Nov 2018: dinner at Workshop on Functional Inequalities in Probability (U Connecticut)
19 Oct 2018: lunch at 40th Midwest Probability Conference (Northwestern)
09 May 2018: dinner at Seminar on Stochastic Processes (Brown)
17 Nov 2017: dinner at Northeast Probability Seminar (Columbia)
13 Oct 2017: lunch at Midwest Probability Conference (Northwestern)
08 Mar 2017: dinner at Seminar on Stochastic Processes (U Virginia)
18 Nov 2016: dinner at Northeast Probability Seminar (CUNY Baruch)
14 Oct 2016: brunch at Midwest Probability Colloquium (Northwestern)
06-08 May 2016: Conference on New Developments in Probability (Northwestern)
    (jointly hosted with the Northwestern University Emphasis Year in Probability)
16 Mar 2016: dinner at Seminar on Stochastic Processes (U Maryland)
18 Nov 2015: dinner at Northeast Probability Seminar (NYU)
09 Oct 2015: brunch at Midwest Probability Colloquium (Northwestern)
19 May 2015: dinner at Conference in stochastic analysis and related topics (Purdue)
01 Apr 2015: dinner at Seminar on Stochastic Processes (U Delaware)
21 Nov 2014: dinner at Northeast Probability Seminar (Columbia University)
10 Oct 2014: brunch at Midwest Probability Colloquium (Northwestern)
26 Mar 2014: lunch at Seminar on Stochastic Processes (UCSD)
20 Nov 2013: dinner at Northeast Probability Seminar (CUNY)
09 Oct 2013: dinner at Midwest Probability Colloquium (Northwestern)

Probability Conferences, Summer Schools, and Workshops

If you are organizing a conference and would like to have it included in this calendar, please email us with the title of the conference and a link to the webpage.

Upcoming Conferences, Workshops, and Special Programs

01 Jan - 30 Jun 2024 Thematic Program on Randomness and Geometry
  at Fields Institute Toronto
02 - 07 Jun 2024 Conference on Groups, languages, and random walks
  in Cortona, Italy
03-07 Jun 2024 Summer School on Optimal Transport, Stochastic Analysis and Applications to Machine Learning
  at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
17 - 28 Jun 2024 Summer School on Random Matrices
  at University of Michigan
01 - 12 Jul 2024 Summer School on Stochastic Quantization
  at SLMath (formerly MSRI)
  apply though your department, starting Dec 1, 2023
01 - 26 Jul 2024 CRM-PIMS Summer School in Probability
  in Montreal
08 - 12 Jul 2024 Two-Dimensional Random Geometry
  at IMSI
08 - 19 Jul 2024 Virginia Integrable Probabilty Summer School
  at University of Virginia
15 - 19 Jul 2024 CMI-HIMR Summer School on Symmetry and Randomness
  at Heilbronn Institute, Bristol, United Kingdom
22 Jul - 02 Aug 2024 Cornell Summer School in Probabilty
04 - 08 Aug 2024 22nd International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms
  at TU Vienna
05 - 06 Aug 2024 30 Years of Women in Probability
  at UNC Chapel Hill
05 - 09 Aug 2024 Summer School on PDE and Randomness
  at Brin Center, University of Maryland
05 - 09 Aug 2024 SLMath Summer School on Mathematical Spin Glass Theory
  in New York City
  apply though your department, starting Dec 1, 2023
05 - 15 Aug 2024 Intertwining between Probability, Analysis and Statistical Physics
  at National University of Singapore
12 - 16 Aug 2024 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics
  in Bochum, Germany
28 Aug - Dec 13 2024 Random Matrices and Scaling Limits
  at Mittag-Leffler Institute, Sweden
04 - 06 Sep 2024 Austrian Stochastics Days 2024
  at University of Innsbruck, Austria
08 - 13 Sep 2024 Stochastics and Geometry
  at BIRS
10 - 12 Oct 2024 Midwest Probability Colloquium
  at Northwestern University
03 - 08 Nov 2024 Directions in Rough Analysis
  at Oberwolfach
21 Jan - 16 May 2025 Probability and Statistics of Discrete Structures
  at SLMath (formerly MSRI), Berkeley
04 - 22 May 2026 Statistical Mechanics and Singular SPDEs
  at National University of Singapore
18 - 29 May 2026 Conformal Field Theories: Randomness and Geometry
  at National University of Singapore

Other Conference Listings

Institute of Mathematical Statistics
American Mathematical Society
Conference Services
Bernouilli Society
Carl Mueller maintains a list of some probability conferences


It's good to occasionally check the upcoming programs at the various mathematical research institutes, particularly those in the US but also internationally. Here is a partial listing.

AIM Palo Alto, CA
IAS Princeton, NJ
ICERM Providence, RI
IMSI Chicago, IL
IPAM Los Angeles, CA
SLMath (formerly MSRI) Berkeley, CA

BIRS Banff
CRM Montreal
Fields Institute Toronto
PIMS Vancouver

CIRM Luminy
IHES Paris
IHP Paris
Lebesgue Center Rennes

MFO Oberwolfach
Max Planck Institute Bonn
Hausdorff Institute Bonn

Banach Center Warsaw, Poland
Bernoulli Center Lausanne, Switzerland
De Giorgi Center Pisa, Italy
Euler Institute St. Petersburg, Russia
Eurandom Eindhoven, Netherlands
IMPA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Newton Institute Cambridge, United Kingdom
a more complete list: the International Mathematics Institutes, list maintained by the Fields Institute